The Romanian Stations Dataset and their Main Meteorological Observations
The dataset contains information about Romanian meteorological and pluviometric stations and provides access to the main meteorological observations at the level of each monitoring station or at the level of different networks formed by certain stations. The main meteorological observations are grouped in the following products created, owned and maintained by the National Meteorological Administration of Romania: - M101 (SYNOP): Total precipitations, relative humidity, temperature, wind speed and direction as synoptic data from essential meteorological stations - M201 (CLIMAT): Total precipitations and the daily minimum, maximum and average temperature as climatic data from essential meteorological stations - M301 (AEROS): The temperature, dew-point temperature, wind direction and wind speed along a trajectory of an air balloon launched daily. - M401 (PRECIP): Gridded data with daily 24 hours accumulated precipitations - M402 (ZAPAD): Gridded data with snow depth - M403 (ECHIV): Gridded data with snow water equivalent - M501 (SOLAR): Gridded data with annual global solar radiation as an average from past 10 years - M502 (EOLIAN): Gridded data with the average wind speed over past 10 years - M650 (WRF): Gridded data with forecasted temperature, relative humidity, v-component of wind, u-component of wind and total precipitation using WRF numerical model - M900 (UMIDS): Gridded data with available water capacity for winter wheat and maize crops All meteorological stations within the dataset are the official Romanian meteorological stations and are registered in the World Meteorological Organization Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS). The dataset was created within the 2019-2020 INSPIRE Project implemented by Essensys Software SRL (Romania) and Wetransform GmbH (Germany) in order to fulfill the legal obligations of the National Meteorological Administration of Romania according to INSPIRE Directive. The scope of the project to create an INSPIRE fully compliant dataset and services was achieved: - Conformance class 2 is ensured for the metadata of the dataset. - Conformance class 4 is ensured for the metadata of the network services. - Meteorological and pluviometric stations were encoded according to version 3.0 of the INSPIRE Data Specification on Environmental Monitoring Facilities – Technical Guidelines. - Meteorological observations were encoded according to version 3.0 of the INSPIRE Data Specification on Atmospheric Conditions and Meteorological Geographical Features – Technical Guidelines. - Linkage between the meteorological and pluviometric stations and the meteorological observations was encoded according to version 3.0 of the Guidelines for the use of Observations and Measurements and Sensor Web Enablement-related standards in INSPIRE.
- Date ( Revision )
- 2020-01-08
- Unique resource identifier
- GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0
- GEMET - Concepts, version 4.1.3
- WMO Codes Registry, Register: BUFR4 Code and Flag table, version 416
- WMO Codes Registry, Register: GRIB2 codes and flags, Register: Parameter number, version 1
- Spatial scope
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- No conditions apply to access and use
- Access constraints
- Other restrictions
- Spatial representation type
- vector Vector
- Distance
- 10.0
- Metadata language
- Englishen
- Topic category
- Climatology, meteorology, atmosphere
- Structure
- Unique resource identifier
- EPSG:3035
- Distribution format
- OnLine resource
- WFS request to access the data set ( OGC:WFS )
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
Conformance result
- Date ( Publication )
- 2010-12-08
- Explanation
- This data set is conformant with the INSPIRE Implementing Rules for the interoperability of spatial data sets and services
- Pass
- Yes
Conformance result
- Date ( Publication )
- 2008-12-03
- Explanation
- This metadata file of the data set is conformant with Commission Regulation (EC) No 1205/2008 as regards metadata
- Pass
- Yes
Conformance result
- Date ( Publication )
- 2019-10-15
- Explanation
- This metadata file of the data set passes Conformance Class 2 tests for the INSPIRE data sets and data set series baseline metadata (on production environment, 2019-12-23 version)
- Pass
- Yes
- Statement
- The position of the meteorological stations is GPS determined, while the position of pluviometric stations is quite inaccurate. The main meteorological observations that are grouped in the products are served together in the same dataset. Each gridded data and the data from the air balloon has its own network of stations and the observation (result) is a file (tif, netCDF, bufr, grib) linked to that specific network. Synoptic and climatic data is delivered at the station level, namely observations are delivered for each essential station. The process of the creation of each product or observation is described in its corresponding xml process file. For example, the process that correspond to the product M502 is located at Observed properties, processes and features of interest are described in xml files according to version 3.0 of the D2.8.III.13-14 - Data Specification on Atmospheric Conditions and Meteorological Geographical Features ( The data is encoded according to version 3.0 of the D2.8.II/III.7 – Data Specification on Environmental Monitoring Facility. The dataset was created within the 2019-2020 INSPIRE Project implemented by Essensys Software SRL (Romania) and Wetransform GmbH (Germany).
- File identifier
- b7e35875-272e-416e-bf85-8f3789c48198 XML
- Metadata language
- en
- Character set
- UTF-8 UTF8
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Hierarchy level name
- dataset
- Date stamp
- 2020-01-08T12:10:23
Point of contact
Citation proposal
. The Romanian Stations Dataset and their Main Meteorological Observations.
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